lör 06 jan.
|Yoga Shakti + online
New years yoga class and meditation to set the intention for the New year.

Tid och plats
06 jan. 2024 10:00 – 12:00
Yoga Shakti + online
Om evenemanget
6 January 2024 at 10am-12 noon
Venue: Yoga Shakti, Stockholm + Online via zoom
Join Ulrica as she guides an intuition enhancing class focusing on quieting the mind, soften tension in the body and expand the breath through a series of gentle asana sequences and pranayama. Followed by leading a wellrounded Sankalpa meditation in order to conjure up our intention from within. Then planting it as a manifestation for the future.
The chief architect of life is the mind. To create the life we are meant to live, we must draw the mind again and again to our dharma, our deepest intentions, and the qualities of the Divine within.
A sankalpa is a form of statement that does this for us. Kalpa means vow, or “the rule to be followed above all other rules.” San, he says, refers to a connection with the highest truth. Sankalpa, then, is a vow and commitment we make to support our highest truth. A sankalpa arrives with everything needed to fully realize it. This includes iccha (tremendous will and energy), kriya (action), and jnana (the wisdom of how to deliver that action).
These are all aspects of the Divine, and they live within us. When the true sankalpa comes in, we awaken these three qualities of the Divine.
Yogic thought claims that when we rise with the Divine in our own way and right, we can flow better with life and stay clear, stable and focused to deal with whatever comes our way.
För dig som vill ha en mer matnyttig workshop och verkligen framkalla din unika sankalpa och lära dig hur du kan arbeta med denn i livvet på olika sätt under året för att bli mer manifesterings klok, håller Ulrica ett Dagsretreat på Skepparholmen i Masteryogas regi.