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ons 24 maj



Cultivate spiritual intelligence through the lens of sacred geometry and the art of repetition in body, mind, and spirit. (In English)

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24 maj 2023 17:00 – 09 aug. 2023 17:00


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Do you love movement, the studies of personal growth, desire to lower stress and tension, build more mental and soulstrength as well as see how you can reach further towards your potential? Interested in the ancient art and study of how one can increase the balance between body, mind, cells, spirit and nature? Intruiged by how things affect us from a more subtle aspect? 

Then this 6 week online course (three 2,5 hr workshops and material in between) is definitely for you.

Everything in life has a form, a shape and is made of patterns and energy. Artists and visionaries like Leonardo da Vinci, Gaudi, Carl Jung, Pythagoras Hilma af Klint were all highly influenced and passionately intrigued by what shape the worlds we live and exist in. 

Welcome to a interactive, live online course  on how to connect more to our inner potential. 

On each occasion, you will be guided through a series of breath linking movements followed by some breathwork and meditation before a guided reclined meditation, yoga nidra. After a short break, our guide, Yoga master and creative coach Ulrica Norberg, will guide you through the science of sacred geometry and practical workshop on the art of repetition (Japa) forms and shapes (Yantra), reflection practice (Svadhyaya) and creativity (Pratibha). Where you will draw, write, reflect and discuss.


We meet LIVE on 3 occasions on Zoom. 

May 24, July 12, Aug 9  

2,5 hours each time. 6.30 -9 pm GMT+1.

(If you cant make the Livesession, you will recieve the recording and have acccess to it throughout the time the course runs)

Course is in total 20 hours. 

In between sessions you work on you own with the material, reflect, explore and practice. 

You will have the recordings from the sessions throughout the course.

There is no homework, just exploration, inquiry and practice. Joyment and life philosophy in full spectrum. 

Every session include asana, pranayama and meditation practice as well as journaling, creativity work and discussion. 


The ancient yogis from well before the medieval time, sought deeper understanding about humanity and existence in repetition, math and nature’s way of manifesting and expressing itself.  Yoga is not just about cultivating awareness but gathering insight as to how to develop one’s potential. As students, when having an idea beyond personal frame of reference is how we develop insight and increase our self-awareness. 

First, we work on finding stability in body and mind in order to open to perspective that goes beyond our default mode of unconscious patterning. This since our human condition having three natures, the first being our karmic inheritances, unconscious patterning. Our second nature includes the techniques we learn in our lifetime to educate the mind and expand consciousness. The third nature, or stellar nature, is connection to the true self.

Sacred geometry is considered an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things. It reveals the precise way that the energy of creation organizes itself. Every natural pattern of growth or movement comes back to one or more geometric shapes. From the perspective of yogic metaphysics, all visible things have traveled from unmanifested states of existence to manifested ones. Babies, buildings, and creative ideas arise from the unseen and become embodied. In yoga, it is said that everything that exists has energy wrapped in a certain way and the link between energy and form is called yantra.

Yantras are geometric diagrams, often composed of a small dot surrounded by circles, triangles, and squares, each of which is symbolic. These images can be used to strengthen your meditative focus and through scientific research also build creativity, less stress in mind and soul, better posture, breath, and circulation as well as increase intelligence.


Japa repetition

Yantra forms and shapes 

Svadhyaya reflection practice 

Pratibha sacred creativity

Energy medicin in relation to Sacred geometry

Biomechanics and energy geometry

Mind and geometry

Breath and geometry

Spiritual practice through asana


1750 Sek

Interesting huh? Want to explore more on this topic? 

You are so very welcome to this workshop.



Ulrica Norberg is an initiated yogiraj, yoga master, with over 30 years of experience from yoga, meditation, breath and spiritual studies. She has trained teachers and students all over the world through trainings, workshops, and retreats.    

Ulrica is an academically trained film scientist with degree in film, human arts, and philosophy as well as a trained journalist and best-selling author.



    20 hour online live course.

    1 750,00 kr
    Skatt: MOMS inkluderad
    Försäljning avslutad

    Buy the course whenever. What when you can. You will receive recordings and material throughout the course.

    1 750,00 kr
    Skatt: MOMS inkluderad
    Försäljning avslutad


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